Thursday, 7 July 2011

8 : Be Advanced?

Okay, it's not Day 2 yet, but I'm pretty excited. Starting earlier never hurts! So... Get a job?

I take the papers near the mailbox and I start checking through.

But wait... Let's check out some juicy gossips of celebrities around town, first. Maybe when I go around town later, who knows I might bump into them, right? And who knows if I can get acquainted to any? Won't it be ashamed if I just don't? Names... Names....

Yeah, I get a few. But there is no picture. What kind of papers is this? Very non-commercial at all. Alright, back to getting-a-job thing... Let's see what we get in this very non-commercial, boring, plain papers...

Wow! I'm surprised! It happens that, this very non-commercial, boring, plain papers, somehow:
1) have some colors and gradients in the job section and
2) offers many jobs!

Crazy, dancing crazy me! Woah~ But then, when it comes to deciding... Which one to go for?

I guess, I'm gonna let my dream tonight to decide...

And then, I paint. I see the big, beautiful house across the road, maybe I can try painting it? And I splash and splatter and splash and splatter and... Heck! What is this??

It doesn't look very much alike, does it? At least, it's still pink... Bravo on that. =.=

And finally, night falls... I sit by the fire pit and roast marshmallow, ALONE. It feels lonely, though. At times like this, I usually hear Layla and Pablo arguing, or maybe I would just lounge on that old sofa, or maybe... Enough! Don't dwell in the past... Leave them all behind, PERIOD.

And I try my best to enjoy the roasted marshmallow, perhaps try to make it my favorite? And done playing with the fire, I go to bed.

Dear Dreams,
Show me the job I'm supposed to be in.
Thank you.

Good night.

. . . PREVIOUS * NEXT . . .

7 : Day 1 Challenge!

That's the plan, so as long as I do things according to plan, things will go well. And let's proceed to Day 1 Challenge, which is 'Important Furnishing'!

Okay, this shouldn't be tough. Let's count back simoleons I have left. §1,800. Not bad... Alright, calm down now. (How am I going to live!!!?) Calm down, Brianna. You've made plans, and things will get better... T_T

Take a deep breath...

Okay. When it comes to make up my mind on what to buy, I consider the important ones, and when I'm certain, I buy them. For starting, I'll have a toilet and a shower, with a mirror (mirror is super important for ladies, excuse me...) and then, I buy myself a double bed. Yeah, double bed is better with, or without company (better get one, soon!). For lighting and warm up and food purpose, I have come to a conclusion that this outdoor fire pit is the best 3-in-1 stuff (although I'm not really into marshmallow...), and for some undefined purpose, I also get myself an easel. Perhaps I can work on my painting skills and paint some masterpieces and sell them? Well, that doesn't sound bad...

And Day 1 Challenge is ticked! I'm pretty happy with the results, though...

As soon as I get the mirror placed on the only wall I have on the lot, (It costs me §75! The builder is so mean!), I start speaking and polishing my sexy accent. Maybe next time when I ask for some extra discounts (once I polish my sexy speaking skill, of course), they would fall for it? That will absolutely save more simoleons, and being a little flirty won't hurt, right? I'm over 18, anyway.

And that's when I notice the papergirl passes. Papergirl throws papers, maybe I can be a little advanced and proceed to Day 2 Challenge on Day 1?

6 : Plan Up!

I count the simoleons I have left. There isn't much. So, I have to be very careful on spending them. Life is hard, so I've got to be very strategic. I'm genius, btw, so let's plan up by day!

Oh yeah... The plan looks good! By Day 7, I won't be alone anymore! I like!

Let's get going!