Thursday, 7 July 2011

7 : Day 1 Challenge!

That's the plan, so as long as I do things according to plan, things will go well. And let's proceed to Day 1 Challenge, which is 'Important Furnishing'!

Okay, this shouldn't be tough. Let's count back simoleons I have left. §1,800. Not bad... Alright, calm down now. (How am I going to live!!!?) Calm down, Brianna. You've made plans, and things will get better... T_T

Take a deep breath...

Okay. When it comes to make up my mind on what to buy, I consider the important ones, and when I'm certain, I buy them. For starting, I'll have a toilet and a shower, with a mirror (mirror is super important for ladies, excuse me...) and then, I buy myself a double bed. Yeah, double bed is better with, or without company (better get one, soon!). For lighting and warm up and food purpose, I have come to a conclusion that this outdoor fire pit is the best 3-in-1 stuff (although I'm not really into marshmallow...), and for some undefined purpose, I also get myself an easel. Perhaps I can work on my painting skills and paint some masterpieces and sell them? Well, that doesn't sound bad...

And Day 1 Challenge is ticked! I'm pretty happy with the results, though...

As soon as I get the mirror placed on the only wall I have on the lot, (It costs me §75! The builder is so mean!), I start speaking and polishing my sexy accent. Maybe next time when I ask for some extra discounts (once I polish my sexy speaking skill, of course), they would fall for it? That will absolutely save more simoleons, and being a little flirty won't hurt, right? I'm over 18, anyway.

And that's when I notice the papergirl passes. Papergirl throws papers, maybe I can be a little advanced and proceed to Day 2 Challenge on Day 1?

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